Monday, May 4, 2009

CPA Inauguration Celebrated New Licensees; Profession's 100-Year History in Virginia

Last week, on April 23, we held the 4th CPA Inauguration — an event co-sponsored by the VSCPA and the Virginia Board of Accountancy to honor new CPA licensees in Virginia. Held at The Jefferson Hotel in Richmond, we recognized more than 70 new licensees, and celebrated their achievement with more than 240 family and friends.

We also had the pleasure of awarding life membership to 10 members who have been members of the VSCPA for 40 years. We heard great stories of their hard work, determination and lessons learned over the years. Among the life members was Ms. Joan Aaron, one of the few female life members we have. Stay tuned for a podcast of their remarks.

We also took a moment to celebrate the VSCPA's Centennial anniversary, as well as 100 years of an organized CPA profession in Virginia.

We congratulate all of the new licensees on their great achievement and welcome them to the VSCPA. And we recognize and thank the life members for their many years of service to the CPA profession.Check out more photos from the event on the VSCPA's Flickr page.

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