Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Digital CPA Conference Wrap-Up

By Jen Syer
VSCPA Technology Director

"It's like being covered in pixie dust!" That's how Jennifer Wilson of ConvergenceCoaching, LLC, summed up the 3-day experience that was the Digitial CPA Conference in Washington, D.C., from Dec. 5-7, hosted by the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) and CPA2Biz.

I had the great fortune to attend the event, along with VSCPA Chair John Montoro, CPA and according to the registration list, 500 other CPAs and accounting-related professionals, ~20 of whom were VSCPA members!

As one would expect, the main theme surrounded cloud, albeit largely from the CAS perspective vs. day-to-day office operations. Speakers articulated their points surrounding SaaS, CAS standardization and fixed-fee schedules, encouraging CPAs to more effectively serve their niche market.

Jim Collins and Steve Jobs quotes were tossed around like footballs, with good reason... When CPAs focus on their strengths, understand their brand and leverage technology to reduce cycle time, the road to a million-dollar practice can become a reality (hard work is  — of course — still requisite)!

Most attendees I spoke with seemed to follow the normal change management distribution curve. Regardless of where your firm sits on said curve, resources are available which can introduce or foster your ongoing relationship with the cloud... I'll discuss these in an upcoming post, in the hopes of spreading the "pixie dust" effect!

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the following whitepaper, written by Dr. Geoffrey Moore, shared by CPA2Biz.
Accounting Services: Harness the Power of the Cloud.

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